Valero Rodrigo, student from the School of Industrial Engineering in Ciudad Real, has won the VII Acerinox Award
At this 7th edition, the winner of the Acerinox Award, is Marina Valero Rodrigo, from the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering at the University of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM).
Marina presented her final degree project at the Mechanical Engineering grade about “Printable Filament Design of 316L Stainless Steel Master Alloy”, conducted by Gemma Herranz Sánchez-Cosgalla and Juan Alfonso Naranjo Simarro. It was developed at the demonstration plant of the UCLM, PIM Research Laboratory of the Institute of energy research and industrial applications (INEI) and the Laboratory of Materials Science and Engineering of the Engineering School, both located in Ciudad Real.
The jury formed by D. Francisco Javier Belzunce Varela, Dña. María de los Dolores Martínez Rodrigo, D. José Manuel Torralba Castelló, D. Bernardo Velázquez Herreros and D. Francisco de la Mata highlighted the quality of the final projects, outlining Marina’s for its complexity and for being the most thorough of all, achieving an optimised solution for each phase of the process until reaching the final real piece.
The date of the awards ceremony will be announced at our website and social media.