Acerinox Award 2016

Cursos Lectivos

Acerinox Prize winner in its 2016 first call

The university students who make their final project of degree or master related to stainless steels, either on their use, research and development, 

Students at the University Zaragoza

The university students who make their final project of degree or master related to stainless steels, either on their use, research and development, have access to this award, created in order to promote knowledge about their applications among young architects and engineers at national level.

For the first edition held this year, nine projects that met the Award rules were received:

1. “Definición de un modelo de comportamiento plástico durante la estricción para los aceros corrugados de alta ductilidad”  (Defining a plastic model behavior during necking for high ductility steel rebars). Doctoral Thesis prepared by Ms. Beatriz Hortigón Fuentes of the Polytechnic School of the University of Seville.

2. “Desarrollo de los procesos de moldeo por inyección y extrusión de polvos para la obtención de piezas de aceros inoxidables dúplex y ferríticos” (Development of processes of injection and extrusion molding of powders to obtain pieces of ferritic and duplex stainless steels) Doctoral Thesis prepared by Ms. María Eugenia Sotomayor Lozano, Carlos III University of Madrid.

3. “Estudio de fallo mecánico de un eje de bomba centrífuga horizontal contraincendios de agua salada” (Study of mechanical failure of a horizontal axis of centrifugal fire pump of salt water) Final thesis / degree by Mr. Emilio José García Rodríguez of the Polytechnic School of the University of Algeciras (Cádiz).

4. “Estudio comparativo de corrosión y comportamiento tribológico de fluidos iónicos comerciales y sintéticos” (Comparative study of corrosion and tribological behavior of commercial and synthetic ionic fluids ). Final project by Mr. Andrés José Mendoza Madrid, ETSII of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena.

5. “Desarrollo y estudio tribológico de acero inoxidable con películas autolubricantes de líquidos iónicos próticos” (Development and tribological study of stainless steel with self-lubricating films of protic ionic liquids). Final project by Ms. Carlota Gómez Agrelo ETSII of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena.

6. “Fricción, desgaste y análisis de superficie de acero inoxidable/zafiro con nuevos tipos de lubricantes sintéticos” (Friction, wear and surface analysis of stainless steel / sapphire with new types of synthetic lubricants). Final project by Mr. Guillermo Salazar Alcaráz, ETSII of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena.

7. “Estudio comparativo del comportamiento frente a la corrosión por iones cloruro entre aceros inoxidables” (Comparative study of the behavior against corrosion by chloride ions among stainless steels). Final project by Mr. Carlos Sanz San Miguel, School of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Zaragoza.

8. “Control y caracterización de los suministradores de bobina negra a Bahru Stainless. Optimización de la calidad y de la producción”. (Control and characterization of black coil suppliers to Bahru Stainless. Optimization of quality and production).  Final project career/degree by Mr. Francisco de Asís Marín Gómez.

9. “MAE Mini Undimotriz Energía” (Estación de Energía Undimotriz).  (“MAE Mini wave energy" (wave power station).   Final project by Mr. Humberto Iess Marrero, Higher School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona (ELISAVA).

After deliberation and evaluation of the Jury of experts consisting of:

Mr. Alejandro Ureña Fernández, University Professor and Director of the School of Experimental Sciences and Technology University Rey Juan Carlos

Ms. María del Carmen Andrade Perdrix, PhD. Industrial Chemistry and Research Institute of Building Sciences Eduardo Torroja.

Mr. Antonio Portolés García, Professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETSI Industriales de Madrid).

Mr. Bernardo Velázquez Herreros, CEO of Acerinox.

Mr. Antonio Moreno Zorrilla, Director of Acerinox Europa Factory, General Production Manager of Acerinox.

They decided, unanimously, that Acerinox 2016 1st PRIZE is awarded to the project:

"Comparative Study of the behavior against corrosion by chloride ions" of Mr. Carlos Sanz San Miguel, student at the University of Zaragoza.

Next release will announce the place and date of the award presentation.