A mineral is understood as any of a class of substances occurring in nature, usually comprising inorganic substances. substance in nature that, when located, extracted, processed, sold and paid for, produces an economic benefit. This is why the mining industry encompasses an endless number of activities, even talking about water mining, waste mining, etc.

Stainless steel is very present in this type of industry in many applications such as the transport of minerals (thanks to its resistance to abrasion), the gravel classification (for its excellent ductility and durability), the consolidation of galleries (for its mechanical properties and resistance to corrosion), the obtaining of anhydrous sodium sulfate (for its resistance to dilute sulphuric acids) or the petrochemical and refining industry.

Its excellent properties provide many solutions in aggressive and demanding environments such as mining, ensuring the durability and safety of the facilities; without forgetting the added advantage of having a 100% recyclable material with a high degree of recycled scrap in its production, which does not require maintenance and whose profitability is assured in the long term.

Here you have the link to a very interesting article where 3CR12 stainless steel is applied in mining industry wagons.