Student of the University Jaume I in Castellon (Spain), winner of the VI Acerinox Award
Jorge Alcañiz Ull student from the School of Technology and Experimental Sciences of the University Jaume I in Castellón, has been awarded with the VI Acerinox Award, with the project: "Diseño y montaje de una máquina trituradora de hielo, con cinta de alimentación y sistema de cribado" ("Design and installation of a grinding, screening process ice machine").
The Acerinox Award is open to the university students who have made their final degree or master project related to stainless steels, about the application of this material, its investigation or its development, in order to enhance the knowledge of stainless steels among young students of Engineering or Architecture nationwide.
The ceremony will be headed by Bernardo Velázquez, Acerinox Chief Executive Officer at the School of Technology and Experimental Sciences of the University Jaume I in Castellón.
The date of the event will be also announced online and through our social network.