4th Congress Cátedra Acerinox
Stainless steel and the production of biogas
Last 5th May took place the 4th Congress of the Acerinox "Catedra" in Acerinox Europa, S.A.U. in Los Barrios, Algeciras.

International experts presented the role that stainless steels plays in the production of biogas:
- Dra. Victoria Matres Serrano, Responsible for the Corrosion Laboratory, Acerinox Europa
- D. Robert Tholen, Head of Technical Dept of Weltec Biopower
- D. Erik Thomas, Responsible for the division Materials Investigation of Metalogic
- Dra. Nancy Badoo, Associate Director, The Steel Construction Institute
- Dña. María Romero Barragán, Corrosion Laboratory, Acerinox Europa