Stainless steel and disinfection

The current concern of infections by contact with elements, devices and equipment in general, both indoors and outdoors, that may have been previously contaminated by someone with Covid19 is causing a large number of queries about the way those elements made of stainless steel should be frequently washed /disinfected, without affecting the material.  In this sense, the technical department of Acerinox Europa has made some recommendations we want to share with you because up to now, collaboration is the best vaccine we have.


Riesgos del sistema actual de reparación de hormigón armado. Nuevos planteamientos con acero corrugado inoxidable

Instrucción Técnica: Soldadura de barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable austenoferrítico (dúplex), con corrugado de acero al carbono o dúplex

Guía para la soldadura y corte de los aceros inoxidables, actualizada y ampliada escrita por Manuel Aracil.

Nickel Revista Vol 35 N3 - Fall 2020