Accessible cities

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More than 50 years ago in the city of Okayama in Japan, the first tactile floor tile was installed on a city street and its use gradually extended all over the world.

Seiichi Miyake was the inventor of these tactile tiles. The idea came when he saw that his best friend, whose eyesight was deteriorating over time, was finding it very difficult to get around the city independently. Given these circumstances, he used all his resources to help him, creating one of the greatest achievements in accessibility. 

Foot-operated tactile signs have progressed over the years. Today, they are usually made of stainless steel as they guarantee stable and long-lasting performance. At the same time, they stand out for their good resistance to corrosion and to external agents that may appear due to the fact that they are located, mostly, outdoors.  

These podotactile guiding elements are simple and economical solutions that allow people with loss of visibility to acquire safety and independence when moving around cities and installations.

We lieave more infortation in this link → Tactile paving