Ars Sonora
Pdf downloadThis sophisticated musical instrument, Ars Sonora, is made up of 63 bronze bells electrically connected to a keyboard so that each key is responsible for controlling the sound generated by each bell. It is supported by a metallic structure made of 5.2 tons of rectangular stainless steel tube with a hollow section.
To ensure the success of the project and to prolong its durability, the location of the musical sculpture, in the heart of the University of Tampa, near the central west coast of Florida, was taken into account. For this reason, it was necessary to use a material with a high performance in a corrosive environment.
The areas most sensitive to corrosion are those adjacent to the welding areas. As the material had to be welded on this project, AISI 316L was chosen over AISI 316, because in situations where welding is present, it acts better against corrosion.
We tell you more in our magazine article → nº 90